Friday, February 1, 2013

Art & Travel Updates for 2013

Hello, Friends and Internet Stalkers!

   Just wanted to put up a quick note about my recent happenings, mostly to get back in the habit of posting, which normally takes me way too long.  I have a few announcements that I'd like to share, then I'll let you get back to looking at cat and/or dog photos online.

   First off, I suck at video editing.  I have tried to put together something from my Aruba trip (in 2010), but cannot get the footage to come together in a way that isn't completely abhorrent.  I may just scrap that idea entirely & stick to the photos & text format, but I wanna keep trying for now.  With some time & will, I may be able to glean some cool, even with my unwieldly editing skills.

   For now, I'm happy to report that I have some big adventures coming up.  In March, I'll be going to the UK for the very first time, along with my best friend & fellow English Lit grad, Sarah!  We'll be there for 10+ days with her extended family.  I'm very excited!  Also, in August I'll be traveling to France for the first time since I was a baby.  The hubby & I are going for his cousin's wedding.  He came all the way to Alaska for ours, so it's only fair.  Funny, all the times I've been to Europe, and there are still plenty more countries to see - I mostly hit up all of the German speaking countries before.  I'm thrilled for the chance to expand my perspective on the continent!

   Also, on the art scene, I'm happy to report that I've recently acquired an amazing painting by a favorite artist of mine, Ebenezer Kling.  I'll be sure to post pictures of it once it's delivered, but for now, feast your eyes on some of his other beautiful & provocative work:  This is a big departure from my framed Dalí print; I feel like such a grown-up!  Support your local artists, people; there is more talent in this world than I can even conceive of.  Rather humbling, actually.

   Finally, happy to announce that I got offered a really decent role in a Shakespeare play!  ...Which I'm now fairly certain that I won't be able to take because of aforementioned UK trip, but I'd much rather go to Stratford-Upon-Avon.  A no-brainer, really.

   Here's an Aruba photo to hold you over.  Much love until next time, kids!

            LOVE, LOVE, LOVE,
